Sunday, March 3, 2013

food and story - day 62 (project 365)

I took my son Jai to visit his grandparents today , for they had a nice gift for him for his trip to Thailand.   We were fed and I must say as always Jai's grandmother can cook.   Oh I remember these dishes well....squash with a broth and chicken and green beans, eggplant.   I forget the name of the dishes and my apologies for that, but my taste buds don't forget.   It was a nice visit, conversation, laughter, food and most of all talking story and listening to the wisdom that Papa  was telling his grandson about his youth and the things that they had to endure , and Grandma reminiscing about her mother (great grandma Cano) and it being her birthday as well as a day she was buried.  You never forget your parents no matter what age you have become.     How fortunate Jai is to hear his grandfathers oral history and not to mention for Jai to know how much his life is , for lack of a better word, easier.   Our children need to know that those who came before us made strides in hope to make their lives more fulfilled through there determination and hard work regardless of how we feel about it and respect this and not have all they have done be in vain.   Thank you Grandma and Papa (Vera and Charles Willkomm) for food made with love,  conversation , story , the gift for Jai and for love of my  children and grandchildren.    Respect. 

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