Tuesday, December 24, 2013

safe travels Juan Zermeno - day 355 project 365 ( 12-15-13)

My dear friend Zerina lost her father recently,  Mr Juan Zermeno.    I felt very fortunate to have met him and been a part of his first art showing of his work for the many years he had painted, drawn and created a legacy for his children and family.

 Zerina and I share a common story , having artist parents, a time of distance from their lives and finally to reconnect with a vengeance.  To learn, love, connect and then to lose them all to quickly it seems and at the same time feel very blessed and honored to just have been in the presence of such a man you call father.

It is never easy to lose someone you love so dearly let alone it be your parent.    I miss my parents often and they are always with me after all these years.

I did attend the memorial for this man that lived life, made mistakes, accomplished much, was a "man's man"  as I heard often, told it like it is, father, grandfather, tio, son..........artist.    I watched as his children wept for him, and laughed about him.   His lovely wife Linda and her love lost.   His mother performing the rosary ritual for an hour for her son's blessings. My dear friend giving her father paint brushes and paint for his journey.   Most of all ....the love .   

Zerina and family , just know he is always with you.  Z- every time you paint and create that is the gift of his legacy to you.  

All my love.....      

1 comment:

  1. My Beautiful Sister,
    Thank you so much for being there and documenting such a turning point in my life. We did return with a vengeance didn't we! I'm so glad I went through our blogs, it has been too long and seeing this brought me back to my most powerful how and why.
