A lovely weekend , enjoyed it spending some time for me! Did some painting and spent some time going down to the Chicano Park Day Celebration, 41st year.
A little history...... 1967 the property now known as Chicano Park was promised to the residence of Barrio Logan and of course with much protest finally was to come to fruition,and in 1973 the first murals were to go up....see this site for more and full information on the history of Chicano Park....www.chicanoparksandiego.com . I truly hope that our/the community can continue to appreciate and respect the park, with time ones always forget the struggles that the elders fought to give all of us and the future something to look forward to and enjoy, to claim as there own in any particular community and self pride.
I fully enjoyed myself creating and editing these images. Loving the youth dancing and preparing to perform traditional dances(don't know where you are going if you don't know where you come from). Vendors ringing bells and selling from there carts. People walking all around General Emiliano Zapata's erected statue in the center of the park while he watches over all of them and they are unaware, and sadly possibly some don't even know who he is. Lowriders (reminiscent of my days in National City growing up and cruisin' on Highland Ave),and the beautiful and powerful murals.

Also went with Autumn and little man Elijah. A wonderful artist pictured, father of the bredren Pablo. Torero? I ask he forgive me for not remembering his name because he is amazing.
Balancing with sound, i will have to have a whole session.
Finally leaving after a few hours and noticing the local corner liquor store/deli and the sign "Home of the Famus Pastrami".....love it.