I was blessed with a pass from Mr Perry to go to COMICON, give thanks. I was a newbie to this whole event and it was quite interesting and crowded!!! I had no idea what a big deal this is. Here are a few snaps from coming into the area on my walk through downtown (was not going to pay for parking , $25 are they crazy?) as well as outside the convention center to the activities inside. Notice the contrast of the nice Petco Park and just a few blocks away our neighbors on the streets. I have been in the area whenever there is an event and the police are always clearing and moving along the homeless away from the area so as not to ruin the view,mmmm....
People in costumes from the Star Troopers, Bird Man, Mr T, little one's not so happy that their parents dressed them in some get up, Green Hornet cars, and a lot of I don't know what..... oh and zoombies everywhere. The Avatar statue, let me mention i was just thinking ....wow to have a rear view like that would be amazing!
It is now August and July has already come and gone with less sun than normal for this summer month. I planted this great sunflower that grew much larger than I ever thought. Beautiful! Went to the local North Park/South Park Walk About. The Walk About is 4 times a year a all the small shops stay open late so people can come check them out, the eateries, bike shops, musicians are playing on the streets and more. A good chance to get out in the neighborhood. This young lady was in a new store called "Make Good" cool hand made items from different artisans, she had a great bluesy, jazzy voice as well as lovely style.